My Favorite Things.. (these days)

I’m often asked what I do for my health and how I live my life, and although we all have our own STYLE, here’s a sample of what rocks my world these days.

  • My breakfast? Green Juice… it makes me feel invincible. Bright, sunny, loaded with high watt energy and lemons.
  • My favorite exercise? Yoga, walking like crazy, and my rebounder from Needak. Bouncy, bouncy, bouncy.. Lymph drainage, reduces cellulite, moves the digestion along..
  • I was a V.P. for Chanel, but these days I live in my LuLuLemon or Athleta yoga tops, and Hold your Haunches leggings.. Yes, they do hide your haunches and they make Spanx look like a light-weight. Instant tight butt, while you work on making it so.
  • Favorite Magazines? MORE, (stay tuned for some fun things I’m doing with them this year), VOGUE, VegNews, (like candy for me) The Atlantic , (great articles) and the occasional People.. not ashamed to say it.
  • Favorite essential oil? Elevation by Doterra.. I rub it on my wrists- Helps my moods soar.
  • Favorite Causes? American Heart Association, (wonderful programs and people) Less Cancer, (founder Bill Couzens is amazing), Cheetah Conservation Fund, (founder and friend, Laurie Marker, is out to save this magnificent animal), World Food Program.
  • Favorite movie for days when I need big-time cheering up? The Devil Wears Prada. Love Anne, Love Meryl. Quote it often. My son keeps it handy.

xo Holli