The following blog posts are categorized under Breakfasts

Egg and Avocado on Sweet Potato Toast

My assistant, Jenny, and I were talking about the cleanse that I’m collaborating on next week and she shared this recipe with me. Her husband, who sounds amazing, made her breakfast…

Healthy Chocolate Pudding

I was recommending avocado’s the other day to a friend of mine as a great way to put weight on (yes, some people do have that problem!) and suggested this…

The best smoothie-Delivered to your door!

You know I’m a DIY kind of gal, but lately… well, life has been REALLY busy, and spending so much time in NYC has really sped things up. My morning…

Berry Chia Beauty Pudding

I’ve been talking about running, lately, on my Instagram feed. You know… showing my ankle injury….my favorite ways to hydrate following…But my nutrition has some needed extra support, too….

Camu Kickstart Smoothie

I recently rediscovered camu camu after searching for a powerful food-based Vitamin C source. The stats are impressive; ½ teaspoon provides 400% of the daily recommended amount of Vitamin C…

Hot Choco-Matcha

  I’ve just fallen in love with this super-tea made from the entire green tea plant. For all the reasons why… go here. It’s a subtle choice, but meaningful, and…

DIY nutrition bar style

  I mix these do it yourself bars for my son and his friends. I think it takes less time to do than to buy them at the store, they’re…

The Athletic Green Smoothie

  I confess. I used to be down on powdered greens. I thought that they were a poor substitute for the real thing, and I coached my clients to skip…

Raspberry Pecan Chia Pudding

I spoke recently about superfoods and smoothies at an event in Washington, DC, and I was surprised at how many people had never tried, or even heard of chia seeds. Is that you? Chia seeds benefit us with anti-inflammatory properties; they’re a healthy source of Omega 3 fatty acids, high in fiber and protein, and smoothie lovers appreciate how they thicken naturally when these tiny seeds are added to liquid. They taste almost like old school tapioca pudding. Here’s my latest version of chia pudding. I prefer using liquid stevia to keep my sugar intake in check, but you can use whatever healthy sweetener you have in the cupboard. Fresh raspberries are abundant right now, and southern pecans make me feel like summer. Here’s hoping you love it! Ingredients 2 cup coconut milk 15 drops liquid vanilla stevia (note: you can substitute 2 tsp of maple syrup or honey if you desire) 1/2 cup whole chia seeds 1 teaspoon vanilla extract pinch sea salt 1 teaspoon raw cacao powder 1 cup fresh raspberries plus extra for topping 1/4 cup chopped pecans for topping 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon for topping Preparation 1. In a 1-quart mason jar or other container with…

Pineapple Upsidedown Cake Smoothie

  This sweet smoothie is full of fresh, natural ingredients. Instead of using a processed protein powder, I’ve used raw cashews as the protein source. You don’t need a fancy…


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