Liquid Gold

Recently, I put the word out to friends: I’ll take your overabundance of cukes and turn them into liquid gold. Now, my refrigerator is bulging with cucumbers, and I love it (bring more! Hint hint.)

Sure, thanks to Mother Nature cucumbers contain a high percentage of water—which is so important in the heat of summer—but cucumbers also provide an array of health promoting phytonutrients; flavenoids, and lignans. They’re an excellent source of vitamin K, vitamin C, magnesium, biotin, silica (great for your nails!) and vitamin B1.

And as I recently discovered, during times of stress drinking cucumber juice can bring balance and energy. So as the summer winds down, and without further ado, here’s my favorite way to juice this powerhouse into the refreshing and restorative Cucumber, Lemon, Mint Juice, aka: Liquid Gold.

1. Scrub cucumbers well and cut into pieces that will fit into your juicer*
2. Run cucumbers, mint and lemon through the juicer
3. Garnish with fresh mint

*If you don’t have a juicer, you can use your blender, but I recommend that you peel the lemon—and depending on the taste of the cucumber peel, you may need to peel the cukes as well.

PS. Love some know-how with your seasonal, simple recipes? I’ve got that for you in spades, in my book, Discover Your Nutritional Style.