

“I lost 12 lbs and my muffin top as a result of one session with Holli. I always thought I ate healthy. I was a vegetarian and drank a ton of green juices/smoothies everyday, but I still felt “puffy”. Holli pinpointed what was causing my body to hold onto the weight. Then she gave me options on what I could eat that would fit my lifestyle. Having the options was what made it easy to change my diet.

Now, it’s not an all or nothing game, about whether or not I can have this or that, but it’s about what can I have instead! The weight dropped off effortlessly. I’m eating more food now than I used to and I’m still losing weight. After just a month of implementing Holli’s suggestions, friends are giving me compliments on how I’m glowing and look at least 10 yrs younger.”



“Holli has been helping me nutritionally as I navigate healing from heavy metal poisoning and systemic candida. After a month of her guidance, I turned a major corner. Her advice was spot-on, helpful, do-able, supportive and not-overwhelming. She is my miracle healer. Thank you from the bottom of my heart (and gut!)!”





“Thank you Holli for giving me permission to choose my own style of nutrition. Although I have been juicing on and off for the past 6 years, over the past month or so I’ve been gaining knowledge about nutrition and diet from Food Matters, David Woolfe, Jason Vale, Michael Pollan and Howard Lyman.

I’ve been swaying from raw/vegan, vegetarian and not knowing which way is the right way and feeling guilty that I preferred to “mix it up” an little. But now, thanks to you, I know it’s beneficial for me to do so! I feel so happy about this because for the first time in a long time I’m feeling great and am sleeping better. Thank you so much.”



“Holli, you are truly amazing and thank you, thank you, thank you! You’ve helped our breast cancer patients face their treatment strong and empowered. They love you. I see not only our patients become more nutritional healthy but their families as well. You are an example of how much one person can make a difference in the world. Holli, you are a gift! Never forget you make a huge difference in countless lives.”





“Holli Thompson is the Yoda of eating healthy — wise and funny — only she makes eating healthy not suck. When I made a face after a sip of green juice, she told me to stop drinking it. “If your body doesn’t like it, WHY would you keep drinking it?” “It’s so good for me,” I said. And she pointed out that many things that are good for you are also welcomed by your body with open arms. Choose those foods, and don’t let those green juicing evangelists make you feel bad.

Her Nutritional Style recipe books, contains the most amazing recipes that taste amazing, are simple to prepare, and are actually the healthiest that I’ve ever encountered. Try the Lime Sherbet or the Healthy Ice Cream if you don’t believe me!”



“Holli has a wonderful ability to not only instruct, but to nurture you along the way towards better nutrition. She encouraged me to be patient with myself. To give my body time to respond to the better food choices, to enjoy the changes that were happening. She inspires you to want to understand what she herself has learned, she holds your hand along the way, and she celebrates your success. The benefits are many, but the best has been my trust in my body’s ability to heal itself has been restored.

At a frustrating time in my life, when I thought I would never find a simple way to learn about the right type of nutrition, the universe presented Holli along the path.  The best gift you can give to yourself is the gift of loving yourself. This was the best investment I could make in time and expense.





“I’ve really enjoyed your online program and have definitely learned a lot. I’m off the sugar, even walked right by a huge bowl of chocolate AND a bag of hard candies today—two of my weaknesses—and as a result my knees feel so much better, and my energy stays up. I feel really good! I don’t have mid-afternoon slumps. You’ve done such a great job on these recordings. Listening to someone talk for 45 minutes can be a real chore, but you put such a personal touch to it, it’s like having you in the room! Keep up the fabulous work!



“The following are the comments I have received over past two weeks: You look radiant…You’re walking taller and with purpose…Your coloring is really nice…Have you lost weight?…Your face is slimmer…Whose making all that great food for you? I was asked 3 times “Is that a new outfit?” They were the same clothes, just fitting better, or able to add a belt to the waist.

But what keeps me going your sharing that preparation equals self love. For me this not only means loving preparation of each meal, but preparing for my long healthy life by adopting these principles so I can continue to love myself and those in my life. This has been a great boost for me.

If this busy girl can do it, anyone else can decide to take care of themselves and feel as great as I do! Thank you for all your inspiration, Holli.”





“Holli makes nutrition user friendly and effective. The weight seemed to “fall off” when I cleaned up my diet on her program. My energy has been good and something amazing happened—after a year of not getting my period (thought I was through menopause) I suddenly got my period during the cleanse! I liked everything about Holli’s virtual program, and the accessibility to Holli herself was great. I’m feeling great, looking great! I’ve already recommended you to several friends!”



“Holli, I want you to know how helpful your information has been during a very difficult time. I read the article about you in MORE Magazine and had been following your guidelines since then—needless to say I was very excited to join your program. My Mom and I both started and it was GREAT, but at the end of week one my Dad was hospitalized and diagnosed with late stage dementia.

Our lives have changed dramatically, and, if this had happened “pre-Holli”, I would be eating non-stop, gaining weight, and be physically and mentally exhausted. Not only am I not doing that, I’m having green juice and goddess shakes, working out, and losing weight. Mentally, I have been able to support my parents and help to make the best of the situation. Finally, I don’t know how many times Mom has commented on how taking care of herself is helping her to cope. I want you to know that you are helping people in ways that are much more important than just looking and feeling good.”





“I appreciate your knowledge about nutrition, your kindness and warmth and the fact that you were SO willing to help me accomplish my goals. I lost 11 pounds in 4 weeks and the best part is that I am sleeping REALLY well also!

And that’s not all. It’s been years since I’ve been able to sleep at night without tossing and turning or lying awake most of the night. I’m so much more calm than I’ve been in the past. My skin looks so much better and I’m not breaking out anymore. I’m definitely feel much better and have more energy and “brain power”. I’m thinking much more clearly!

Holli, you listened and helped me discover ways to make the necessary changes in my life. Because of you, I confronted some things in my life that weren’t working and then made big changes!  You are such an inspiration to me and I can’t thank you enough for your encouragement, advice and support.”



“When I met you, Holli, our doctor had just recommended surgery for our son’s asthma. As a result of our working together, and discovering his food intolerance, PJ has been off of all asthma/allergy treatments for almost 4 months now! Our other son, Declan, has seen significant improvements with a gluten-free diet, and a dramatic decrease in his symptoms.

Our whole family has learned how to read food labels and understand what is healthy for our bodies and what we should avoid.

You’ve walked in my shoes, and made lifestyle recommendations that made sense for the entire family. 

It am proud that our children are learning to make sound nutritional choices and are building habits to last a lifetime. Anyone facing health challenges, should learn about your nutritional approach before considering serious alternatives!”




“Thank you, Holli, I am grateful. I have more energy in the evenings, when I used to be listless-and I’m losing weight! My complexion is looking better, and I feel empowered by my healthy food and drink choices.

I loved how accessible you were by email, and how knowledgeable you are about a healthy lifestyle.

I’m back on track and it’s highly life changing!”



“I joined your online program after our one-on-one session. I knew the program would be brimming with important information and would yield great results. And I was right!

I dropped about 6 pounds very quickly and my skin looks incredible. That’s saying a lot for someone in her early 50s. I learned that a healthy diet combined with regular exercise is really the secret not only to vitality, but also to combat the signs of aging. Who needs a lot of expensive cosmetics when one can simply feast on greens and colorful fruits and veggies!

Besides the many clear health benefits, I have learned so much about nutrition and the impact of food on body, mind and spirit. I really never understood this powerful connection before working with you.

I would recommend your programs without hesitation.”





“The biggest change for me has been my energy level. Yahoo! I feel like the old pre peri-menopausal me again! My feet have stopped swelling and hurting. I lost 5 lbs in 3 weeks! My body lost the bloat; in fact, it feels leaner and stronger. It’s simple. I’ve followed your advice and I’ve had great results.”



“I was afraid that I would be asked to make changes to my eating habits that would require me to remove many of the foods I loved from my diet and therefore, would not be sustainable. I wanted to get off of my diet roller coaster, but I did not want to give up enjoying food.

Holli, you really listened to me—to understand my lifestyle and my food/diet interests and you helped me figure out a way to change my eating habits in a way that worked for my lifestyle and my goals.

I have achieved my target weight so it is now fun to get on the scale. I have more energy and feel really great about the way I look and feel. When I deviate from my new way of eating – at a friend’s house for dinner, at a business dinner – I am able to immediately get back to my new healthy eating habits. I have a new relationship with food which has resulted in my having more energy and being at a healthier weight.

You have helped me in a way that is sustainable long-term. You have really changed the way I think about food.”



And as a seven year breast cancer survivor, Holli has opened my eyes to a world of information out there for me to help me in my quest to stay healthy and informed.” Additionally, since working with Holli, I have lost 20lbs, I feel wonderful, and my eyes and ears are wide open to ALL the ways to achieve good health. I feel so enlightened by Holli and grateful to be a part of this healthy lifestyle change for me.

Holli is such a good listener and I never felt rushed when we had our consults. She was very interested in my feedback after new information was given, and always give me things to do that are realistic and comfortable for me.



“How do I start to explain a process that has changed my whole life?

I watched Holli transform her own health and I wanted to do the same. I hired Holli to help me reclaim my body and get rid of my out-of-control cravings.

Since working with Holli, my energy level is WAY up. Holli has helped me make smart decisions and supported me in positive ways when I fell off the wellness ‘train’. I never felt like I was failing, she was always supportive and but yet she is a stickler to keep me going.

This program has made all of my daily activities easier. My life feels easier, I have more energy, and I’ve become slimmer. ALL part of my goals I set in the beginning of working with Holli. Now I’m doing yoga, (going for teacher training!!), riding every day (2 and 3 horses a day), and my tennis game is improved. Now the world is seeing the real me. This program has given me new confidence and has allowed me to find myself again.

Not denying myself things but enjoying them means I have less cravings for bad stuff. Holli has given my life a sense of greater ease.



“Holli, you look fabulous so I knew that I would too once we got going!”

Since working with you I eat much healthier, I know how to grocery shop for healthier foods (thank you for the private Whole Foods tour!) and I started doing yoga. I have learned how to make smarter food choices, and I know the knowledge I have gained will continue to help me as I go through life.”

You are extremely knowledgeable, my dear, and your passion about each subject we talked about always made our sessions fun. Thank you.



“I was turning 65 and I wanted to learn a healthier lifestyle than relying on expensive drugs and prescriptions. I discovered a new, healthier way to live! 

Since working with you I have a new awareness of what’s healthy and what doesn’t serve me. You helped me make sense of what information applied to my situation and I learned so much about the factors that affect my health goals–far beyond nutrition–things like herbs, natural make-up, cleaning products. Together, we created an full-spectrum environment that would complement my health goals.

Holli, your warm, personal style of counseling was very professional, and felt tailored to my needs. Your intellectual clarity was balanced by knowing exactly how to communicate about food and nutrition in a way I can relate to. I always felt I was in good hands.”



“I hired Holli because I wanted to get my body healthy in preparation to quit smoking—and I didn’t want to gain a lot of weight. Holli completely understood me, my goals and helped me get there.

Holli helped me quit smoking without gaining weight! 

I have been smoke-free for one month and haven’t gained any weight. Holli does an amazing job!”



“I was looking for another perspective on health and nutrition. I wanted to work with someone who was inspiring to me in every aspect, including how they lived their life.

I liked how Holli didn’t force one way of doing things. She worked with my reality. I also appreciated that perfection wasn’t the goal, but instead making small changes that would lead to bigger changes. Success felt attainable and not so lofty. In addition, knowing that I could ask her quick questions outside of our sessions was also a great support system to me.

» I now crave vegetables!

» I’m phasing out relying only on pills and supplements to get my nutrition.

» I’m eliminating processed foods and eating more health-enhancing foods.

Simply put, I’m making better food choices. Now, I think twice. I’ve been introduced to a new way of eating and I love it. And my family is getting on board too!”



“Holli showed me how to heal my son’s health issues and my entire family has dramatically benefited!

My 5 year old suffered from recurring sinus infections developing into reactive airway croup way too often. The croup occurrences were so dramatic that we had to go to emergency room in the middle of the night three or four times a year. From about age 18 months, we consulted pediatricians, ENT surgeons, allergists, treated him with antibiotics, prescription decongestants and antihistamines, xopenex nebulizer treatments 5-6 days a week, had his adenoids surgically removed, has him tested for 51 possible allergens (he was negative on all counts) and his condition became increasingly worse.

Returning to the internist exasperated – she advised putting my 5 year old son on preventative steroids for an indefinite period of time. The same week, I heard about how Holli had eliminated her own son’s asthmatic symptoms with dietary changes and I called her for a consult. Holli’s interview with me was very thorough and detailed, and she probed for a lot of family history. At the end of our consult she outlined several big dietary changes, including removing mucous producing foods in conjunction with some sensible supplements for immune support and to diminish his symptoms.

The result is that in 30 days my son’s condition was completely resolved. He has not had one episode of croup or a recurring sinus infection since we adopted Holli’s nutritional advice over a year ago. The success of my son’s nutritional changes inspired my husband to consult Holli independently. As a result, my husband has transformed his own nutrition and eating habits into a positive and healthful lifestyle that has been a joy to experience. We are so thankful for her wondrous solution for our son and for her insight and brilliance in inspiring my husband to be part of the practice of healthy living.

In a world where a typical physician has over 3000 patients in their practice, it is a rare a wonderful thing to have a heath advisor who makes one feel so connected. Holli made each of my sessions feel personal. It was so empowering to have someone guide me and my family back to health! I now understand how food affects EVERYTHING.”



“Holli, your approach to nutrition really appealed to my Nutrtitional Style®! I loved how your program incorporated my lifestyle and what I like to eat. I’m a nutrition consultant and yogi, and I learned a great deal about defining my own Nutritional Style and left with GREAT ideas to pass along to my students and clients.”



“Holli makes this accessible and user friendly! The weight seemed to “fall off” when I cleaned up my diet. My energy has been amazing!

I liked everything about Holli’s virtual program, and the accessibility to Holli herself was great. I loved the recipes and the shopping list was fantastic!

I’m feeling great, looking great!

I’ve already recommended you to several friends!


For more information about how to work with Holli, please go here.